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GKGresearch @ SYPT 2017

Hier finden Sie die Themen, die in 2017 an unserer Schule bearbeitet wurden.

2017 waren wir mit zwei Teams vor Ort und mussten gegen weitere 19 Teams aus der gesamten Schweiz angetreten. Neben viel Spass am gesamten Event mussten wir auch schmerzliche Erfahrungen sammeln und feststellen, dass es auch außerhalb der Kantonsgrenzen gute Physikerinnen und Physiker gibt.

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Die Teams 2017

Team: Northern Cross 

Team: SOV Union 

Silia Lüscher

Leidenfrost Stars

Senhong Cen 

Leidenfrost Stars
Birk Kähli 

Vacuum Bazooka

Oliver Grünig 

Visualising Density 
Alexander Hadjistamov

Visualising Density

Visnusuthan Vairavipillai 

Boiled Egg

Im Schuljahr 2016/2017 behandelte Themen

IYPT-Thema: 8. Visualising Density

Schlieren Photography is often used to visualise density variations in a gas. Build a Schlieren setup and investigate how well it can resolve density differences.

Dieses Thema wird behandelt von

  • Oliver Niklas Grünig
  • Alexander Hadjistamov
  • Inga Scheidat

IYPT-Thema: 5. Leidenfrost Stars

In the Leidenfrost effect, a water drop placed on a hot surface can survive for minutes. Under certain circumstances, such a drop develops oscillating star shapes. Induce different oscillatory modes and investigate them. 

Diese Thema wird behandelt von

  • Senhong Cao 
  • Lucile Siegfried 
  • Silia Lüscher

IYPT-Thema: 15. Boiled Egg

Suggest non-invasive methods to detect the degree to which a hen’s egg is cooked by boiling. Investigate the sensitivity of your methods.

Dieses Thema wird behandelt von

  • Visnusuthan Vairavipillai

IYPT-Thema: 17. Vacuum Bazooka

A ‘vacuum bazooka’ can be built with a simple plastic pipe, a light projectile, and a vacuum cleaner. Build such a device and maximise the muzzle velocity.

Dieses Thema wird behandelt von

  • Birk Kähli

Im Schuljahr 2015/2016 behandelte Themen

IYPT-Thema: 3. Acoustic Lens

Fresnel lenses with concentric rings are widely used in optical applications, however a similar principle can be used to focus acoustic waves. Design and produce an acoustic lens and investigate its properties, such as amplification, as a function of relevant parameters. 

IYPT-Thema: 4. Super Ball

Throw a highly elastic ball into the space between two plates. The ball starts bouncing and under some circumstances can even be projected back to you. Investigate the motion of the ball and parameters influencing the motion, including the orientation of the plates. 

Themenvorschlag der Universität Basel: Butterfly

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